Golden Goddess
Ancestral Healing I Soul Clearance
Vegan Lifestyle
My Mission
Supporting humanity to become, healthy, empowered, conflict free Sovereign beings, dwelling in peace and love on the New Earth.
What it's all about
I am passionate about helping people to improve their health and embody their sovereignty. By doing integral inner work, detox and purification we are healing our ancestral lineage and creating a safer and more beautiful dwelling place for the future generations, providing healthier DNA coding. The journey to release oneself from the Matrix, Maya, Illusion is the process of ascension as a soul incarnate. It takes great courage to tread this path into what many refer to as the New Earth.
Having been a Healer for many years, I know that working multidimensionally is necessary to reintegrate fragmented parts of ourselves lost during traumatic experiences. Many such experiences take place when we are gestating in the womb, at birth and from age 0-7, these play an intrinsic role in the development of our autonomic nervous systems e.g. our fight, flight, freeze responses in life.

Only once we heal the war existing within each of ourselves, spiritually, psychologically and physically, will we cease to experience conflict in the outer World.
What we focus on healing together:
Spiritual Body
Connecting with our multidimensional self is essential for holistic healing. The soul tends to be in a fragmented state from traumatic experiences and so needs to be fully reintegrated to reach our full and highest sovereign potential in human form. This is what some refer to as the path of ascension. We need to access past lives and other timelines to free the soul from false reincarnational negative karmic structures, amongst other things. This crucial aspect of ourselves gets neglected in allopathic medicine.
Mental Body
Our negative mental programming from previous incarnations and childhood experiences bears a huge impact on our current state as adults if it has been left unresolved. I see lots of cases where shadow material needs to be integrated here alongside trauma release. Our logical, intellectual and intuitive cognitive health all need addressing - the pineal gland and the ancient brain must be activated and cleared.
Emotional Body
Our emotional body is often a reflection of our hormone levels and digestive function in the body. Many people have imbalances here due to environmental factors, internal toxins, parasites, SIBO and nervous system disorders. Excess stress hormones being released in the body such as cortisol, due to mast cell activation and histamine intolerance need addressing. Many people that come to me, have issues with processing and mastering their emotions, this is often due to repeated abuse patterns in family, work and relationship settings.
Physical Body
The physical body is the most obvious place that we see an abnormality in our health. This is when we have the accidents, get the inflammation, aches and pains, chronic diseases and disorders flare up. I work to help people eliminate conditions that run in their lineages, to stop it continuing down to the next generation.
How it works
I work with a selection of powerful pendulums as my main tool, using charts that show me where healing and clearance are required. My superconscious self is directing the movement of the pendulum, it is not a subconscious nor pre-frontally controlled action. I am also clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient, so use these abilities as well.
Within our sessions I will look at clearing ancestral influences, dowsing out the matrix, remove any form of physical, mental, subtle or emotional attack, decode dreams, clear negative karmas, remove soul contracts, collapse timelines, integrate soul fragments and release traumas, set the foundations for brain healing and mental reprogramming, support grief processing from separation and death, look at dietary factors, energetically clear viruses, infections, heavy metals and parasitic imprints; and recommend remedies.
We will focus on whatever comes up as a priority following the natural organic rhythms of healing in conjunction with your superconscious self.
To get started
Use the contacts form below to book a session. Please note that I expect a commitment to a conflict free lifestyle, which includes an adherence to veganism and removing stimulants e.g. coffee, black tea, alcohol and chocolate, alongside wheat from your diet.

When I met Sarah and found out about her work I knew that I wanted to sign up for one to one sessions. The journey so far has been enlightening and Sarah's approach is so refreshing. Sarah has guided me through some difficult and deep traumas and used her amazing skills to work with me and release deep and often ancestral patterns. I highly recommend working with Sarah if you want to find your inner god/goddess and become your authentic self. She will not disappoint, a very talented and inspiring lady with a very different approach.